March 25, 2019
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Parallax Secure Good Boy


We’re thrilled to announce that Armitage's dog toys and treats brand Good Boy has appointed Parallax as a digital agency partner. We’ll be launching a unique content marketing campaign called ‘All Dogs, New Tricks’, with the aim of raising brand awareness, making an impact across all digital channels. Our marketers, developers and designers will be working closely to create a sophisticated tricks focused questionnaire utilising 2D animation of the original Good Boy drawings, backed up by a playful selection questions and background scenes.The questionnaire will see dog owners answer a variety of questions on the ability of their pooch being able to perform a range of tricks, with the highest scores awarding dog owners a certificate ranging from Bronze, Silver to Gold. Good Boy operate within a hugely popular industry and we’re excited to raise their brand to a new level, helping them to reach their ambition of digitalising their brand and engaging the dog loving audiences. Watch this space for upcoming project updates around All Dogs, New Tricks.