We’re incredibly proud to unveil our exciting new website for Trax, the Singapore-based global tech company serving clients in over 45 countries worldwide.Specialising in AI technology solutions for retail, Trax is famous for developing intelligent tools that allow organisations to track their stock in new and innovative ways. They rank in the top 25 Fastest Growing Companies on Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 list, and are best known for helping retailers understand consumer buying habits, analysing how goods are performing in the marketplace and accurately predicting when a product will run out.,When Trax first approached us, their existing website offered up a confusing user experience and wasn’t optimised for all devices. They were seeking something completely fresh that better represented their leading-edge product range and modern brand identity. It also needed to be optimised for search and completely mobile-friendly.We set about designing a beautiful new website to showcase their business, incorporating all their various products - everything from shelf-side cameras to robotic scanners roaming the aisles to capture and track in-store data.“The site needed much clearer signposting and an updated navigation, especially in relation to the products” explains Phil Millward, one of our web designers here at Parallax. “I’m particularly proud of "the technology page", which had to explain some pretty complicated processes in a simple, visual way. The challenge was taking something logical and technical, then adapting it to something a wider audience could appreciate.”Phil helped steer the Trax corporate identity with a refreshed logo and an updated colour scheme. “I’m particularly proud of the isometric illustrations - each one is unique. Based on the angle of the ‘x’ in the logo, they informed the entire visual language. They really add something to the overall look and feel of the site.”,Since launch, the website has already seen a total traffic increase of 89% year on year and an increase of 97% for organic visits. They have seen an 80% uptick in new users, with the average time spent on the website also up by over three minutes. With offices throughout the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, the Middle East, North America and South America, Trax are proud to work with global brands like Coca-Cola, Heineken, and Nestle. Thanks to having such big names on board and an exciting international strategy in place, the future's looking bright for Trax.