We recently held an exceptional event, 'Applied AI', as a part of the Leeds Digital Mini-Festival, hosted at our offices in Leeds, as well as streamed live on LinkedIn. It was focused on the practical application and impact of Artificial Intelligence, but also delved into areas such as IOT, infrastructure at scale, predictive analysis and even tackled important ethical questions around misinformation and the use of AI for content writing.
It was a fantastic turn-out and featured a great lineup of experts:
James Hall – Co-Founder and Director at Parallax
Bethan Vincent – Managing Partner at Open Velocity
Phil Brunkard – CIO Executive Partner & Strategist, previously at Forrester
The Q&A panel session during the event was really well received and thanks again to our guests for their engaging questions and contributions to this. Special thanks to our very own Chris Nightingale for hosting the event and for ensuring the drinks and conversations were flowing comfortably throughout the evening.
We were delighted for this to be included as part of Leeds Digital Festival, and please be sure to check out the other inspiring tech events taking place across the city.
We hope that for anyone that came to the event or have watched it live or post-event that you have enjoyed the actionable insights gained from the event.. Remember to do your homework!
If you missed out on this, that’s ok, we have captured all the action and have the live stream available here.
To keep posted on future events in AI (and more topics) please register your interest here.